Throughout the course of this internship, I have been met with minimal resistance. I have talked to only a small handful of anti-choice or abstinence only supporters. Some people remain very polite when discussing our differing beliefs, while at others have been extremely hostile. One person I met avoided saying the word “abortion” like the plague. Rather, she talked around “abortion” itself, and used the context of “pre-1973” (oh, the anti-choice glory days) and “post-1973” to describe her stance on Planned Parenthood.
Yet, I am continually impressed and surprised with the wide range of support I’ve received for real sex education and Planned Parenthood. There’s nothing more gratifying than receiving a c4-opt in from a pro-choice Catholic with a Virgin Mary statuette displayed in her front lawn! With such overwhelming support and after talking with dozens and dozens of people, I’ve noticed that my conversations usually go something like this:
Elissa: “Do you think students should learn both abstinence and prevention methods like condoms and birth contr---“
Target Person: “Yes, both!”
Often times, I can’t even finish the question before people so eagerly answer. I suppose it’s obvious---comprehensive sex education is the answer!
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