Monday, June 29, 2009

Gemma, Northeast PA

Sarah and I just finished the third week of our internship and so far it’s been complicated but very rewarding. We’ve realized flexibility is one of the most important parts of grassroots organizing. For example, we planned to go door-to-door three times during our second week, but it rained almost every day and we were only able to canvass once. Instead, we made phone calls and switched around the day of our data entry. One of my favorite parts of the internship (and one of the most frustrating) is that you have to think on your feet and be ready for anything. We’re also discovering that the more challenging something is, the more rewarding it is. On our first day out, almost no one was home and we had a high number of refusals. However, when we got our first petition signed, it felt amazing.

So many people have been supportive. It is so wonderful going to someone’s door and hearing her personal reasons behind supporting Planned Parenthood and comprehensive sex education. This past week, I spoke to a school nurse who works in the Hazleton school district and she told me nearly 70 students in the high school were pregnant last year alone. She’s been struggling with the school for most of her career to put comprehensive sex education into the curriculum and was very supportive of Planned Parenthood’s work. Its women like her who makes me proud to intern for Planned Parenthood and to play a role in making a positive and lasting change for students in Pennsylvania.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week 2: Juliana, Southeast PA

“This has been a disastrous first couple of weeks.” That’s what Madeline just said after the other Chester County interns and I spent the day cutting six turfs, not realizing that our list of doors somehow included EVERYONE who lived in the area as opposed to just our target (women aged 25-60). So we recycled hundreds of sheets of paper and are now starting over.

I’m learning that grassroots organizing is just that – messy, complicated, but also so important. It’s been frustrating learning how to use the computer programs, forgetting to enter data, getting lost canvassing – and yet we’ve received so much positive feedback for our efforts. We tabled at the gay pride parade in Philadelphia and got 250 petition signatures while also meeting some really enthusiastic people. Certain individuals have stuck with me: the 60 year old grandmother I phone banked who had never heard of Planned Parenthood, but after I explained the services we offer, replied, “Well…you’re just trying to help people, right? …Then of course I support you.” The young mother in the health center who looked us in the eyes and thanked us for our work. The woman who assured us that she had her legislator’s phone number on speed dial and would call him immediately to urge him to vote for our sex ed bills.

For every frustration, there has also been gratification, and that’s what makes this work so worth it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The first two weeks...: Anna, Western PA

Anna D from Pittsburgh here, two weeks into my Grassroots Organizing Internship with PPWP. I am very excited with how much on-the-ground work Rachel and I have already done: three canvasses, a phone bank, and tabling at Pittsburgh’s Pride festival! Canvassing has been quite rewarding so far-- the vast majority of people I’ve spoken with have been very receptive and supportive. Pride fest was loads of fun (and everyone loved the free chapstick and colorful condoms), it was like tabling at a giant party! I’ve had a few surreal conversations (on the phone: “No, comprehensive sex education actually does not include handing out condoms at elementary schools…”), been seriously scared by some aggressive Rottweilers, and got several compliments on my YNT t-shirt. Based on the successes of these first few weeks, I am looking forward to a busy and productive summer!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Healthy Youth Summer 2009

Throughout this summer, thirteen PPPA interns spread throughout Pennsylvania will be blogging to tell the story of their grassroots organizing internship experiences.

Twelve interns have been placed around PA to gather active support for comprehensive sex education:

Anna D & Rachel in Western PA
Sarah W & Gemma in the Northeast
Michelle & Elissa in Central PA
Lisa, Juliana, Sarah P, Madeline, Anna M, & Clarissa in the Southeast.

One public affairs intern, Rhiannon, works in the state public affairs office in Harrisburg, the state capitol.